Monthly Archives: August 2016

From My Tiny Windowย 

From my tiny window, I
Gaze outward towards the sky.
Looking at the gathering black,
And wonder, does it ever gaze back?
The blackened night, the moon and stars,
I ask them questions from afar,
And behind my window I’m concerned;
Do they ever whisper in return?

The Eyes

The eyes within. The eyes without,
The eyes that dwell within me shout:
The walls! The floors! The ceiling! Spies!
The walls surrounding! These mouths they lie!
Once they were without their sight.
Then someone taught them to see. Their blight!
A setting sun on the horizon alights,
The moon, from day, offers no respite
For eyes that should otherwise be dreaming,
In the dark free from paranoia seeming
To take hold all control and stay.
Oh! That the cursed sight of these eyes may
Blink, and from the sun take pause.
Seek the shade, sleep! Break your unwritten laws!
Gaze not back at me reflection!
You ghostly and familiar complection!
When one with his mirror takes to shouting,
It’s too far, he’s taken away laughing.
Not requiring the belief of others to be, the eyes,
From dark corners and darker dreams they, waiting, spy.

Thanks to my brother Jesse for letting me use his art on my blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

Desert Man

The beautiful ones inside him scream,
They wish to escape and to be seen.
Kept deep inside, no longer shown,
We see how sad his soul has grown.
How useless is water in the desert when
Trapped in a bottle that can’t be opened?

The Teeth of Those Who Hunger

The teeth of those who hunger grow,
Mouths outnumber the substance so,
Some of them turn to eating stones.
Some bite others in their death throes.
There is a light in the distance they choose not to see.
Then they contemplate the darkness saying: “How can this be?”.
Dead or living it matters not,
From the tomb, for both, pours rot. A raven points to the gateway,
Leading further down or away?
The light is hazy. Clouded by smoke?
A voice breaks the tortured din. Who spoke?
He says: “I cannot hold this candle for long.
Follow me to the path where you truly belong.”

Note on artwork: I found this one while browsing Tumblr. There were no links to the artist responsible. If anyone knows the artist name please let me know so that I may contact and formerly request permission to use their art. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚