Tag Archives: dawn

These Labyrinthine Dreams

The morning dawn awakes, so do I
I know this much does not change day to day.
In my journeys through the night I pass by
Field of memory I can’t keep they say.

One flower picked, and I’m accused a thief
Tell me, who’s the real owner of my field?
Of my own will, can’t keep one thought so brief,
Then by whose orders are these vault doors sealed?

Nighttime. No rest for the weary it seems.
Where journey after restless journey through
The confines of these labyrinthine dreams,
Leaves me not any closer to the truth.

These are dreams I won’t remember I fear,
I see there will be no rest for me here.

Wisdom Stagnates

In the twilight I sat deceased
While the shadows filled with teeth
I was the child of the night, I was the corpse of dawn.
Nobody wanted change,
Therefore, hence I still remain
While their ignorance brews and their so-called wisdom stagnates.
They do not gather knowledge from,
Everywhere and everyone,
Here’s to a stale world that doesn’t change.
With the light switch out of reach I will remain.

On Being Apart

Good morning my love today
When I awoke and saw not your face
There was emptiness. The morning light did say
“You shall not be here, long, without, in this place.”
But I could hardly believe the light that spoke
For every moment away from you deprives
My soul.
Though my time away, my soul bespoke,
It was not prepared, yet shall survive.
How many dawns apart are we?
How many?
Not soon enough, we’ll see.

Where These Waters Lead

Where these waters lead,
It would seem
Today they lead to colder streams.
They’ve more than one destination, I’ll concede,
This just one stop of many
Before we reach the sea.
Today colder streams,
Tomorrow ice-rent seams,
Where these waters become too cold to flow.
In the valley of the moon,
Dawn can’t come too soon,
To free us from our temporary tomb,
And sun shines on more sun-filled shores before we reach the sea.
This is where these waters lead.