Tag Archives: cold

Lost in the Shallows

She seemed to forget something in the shallows
Her hands in cold water
Her feet wade through the waves
So long she spent there
Just off the beach in the autumn surf
And yet still
She could not grasp it
Her reflection
Her memory.

A Cold Gust


Another wind swept plain,
Another day looks all the same.
A grey sky winds down this way,
A cold gust seems to say:
Darkness gives way to light
But never really goes away.

Shadows in Colds Absence Make


A morning sun swallows whole cold abyss.
Out of sunrise crawls forth another day.
Shadows in colds absence make way for this,
This place in time where playful daylight stays.
An eater of days gives birth to new dawn.
Its digestion is the passing of time,
And where once was silence there now is song.
Each days end, and I’ve heard too many, chimes.
Days pass, and I do not grow so tired,
That I may not rise and hold close each piece
Of my heart, and do so ’till expired.
Distant conclusion with so long a lease.
Devoured time and light and day now brings,
Value and reasons for my heart to sing.

She Doesn’t Know


She doesn’t know that I have seen her scars and
I have spent sleepless nights wondering how she got them.
More than a road map to pain, her blue eyes hide the tears they say
And there will never come a day where I can ask about them.
Her world is upside down, and he is there beside her.
All Of her restless nights, he sings sleepily to her.
I can’t tell if she’s still cold, I watch outside of this window,
She’s upside down, does she know, that I will wait for her?
There is no secret why she always wears her long sleeves
They all know and look away, all of them but me.
We both have the same scars, I know their roots may be different,
It’s been a long time since we could be called innocent.
Maybe one day she’ll see me and maybe one day she won’t.
Just maybe she will see how each of us, we’re broke.