Monthly Archives: June 2015

The Lack Thereof


We find no peace within the swarm,
Between the calm and storm I’m torn.
There is necessity here but…
From this horde I wish to be cut.
Busy busy, never resting, never dreaming for lack of sleep.
Running, watching, searching, finding, but nothing for ourselves to keep.
This isn’t home but we’re here the most,
Always rushing unable to simply coast.
If we’re unhappy here, then why remain?
Is it worth it?  What do we gain?
While it may not be greener on the other side.
There in greater health I shall reside.
Placing this before myself: the happiness of my love,
Peace being the motive, or rather the lack thereof.

This is one about working a job you’re unhappy with and while change may be difficult one must do what is best for ones family, and put their needs first.

“To Each His Own”

I care not for your subtle whinings,
While after me your gods are pining.
Wishing me to turn and worship,
Their cultish ways, their blackened, cursed ship,
Slowing sinking into mire,
All the while, they expire.
From my lack of complete devotion.
Which I am all too glad to withhold from.
And as they writhe,  and wither, and die,
No regrets I feel as I,
Turn from them,  and turn to follow,
The one true God, the truth I swallow.
There is a truth for every soul.
“To each his own” is not our home.

Everyday Slough


One so tired with one beside,
And waiting for the sleep betide.
The end of this long path draws near.
And he, with nothing left to fear,
Leaves behind this day so long,
Returning to the place that he belongs.
Carrying this burden, all this weight,
Inconvenient but necessary. There is no debate.
Having been so long below,
He trudges through that dark slough,
Once on the other side to rest and stay,
He readies himself to fight another day.

To My Bride


Between the ones she can’t
And the ones she sees,
She sees me.
From across that crowded room,
I remember.
The look that set spark,
This tinder that was my heart.
And now five years away,
I’m always thankful for the day,
When she agreed to be,
Forever beside,
A part of me.