Category Archives: Time

Another Day

Woke up to the sun,

Like any other morning.

At the same time, not.

Waiting for the Snow

Follow me into the light
The sun would lend you anyway.
“Tomorrow’s gone, now have no fright.”
The foggy morning says.
Were I to ask you what the night
And moon and stars would say,
Do not answer if you do not know
I musn’t know today.

Continue on the path with me
And soon I will show
What you’ve been waiting for,
But you must wait until the flowers grow.
Spring to summer, summer to fall
Follow me and we’ll go
With our questions, searching for answers
While we wait for winters snow.

Light Dies Alone

This is the day that light dies alone.
So far away, yet close to home.
For home in nothing resides a shadow,
Of the path that leads to it. What can I do?
In wonder I gaze at stars above.
In wonder I look around.
The sun with dead light beats down.
A day of dead light is hardly day at all but time.
In times passing behind nothing, before it, void.
Light dies alone in past tense, and in its future bed.
It’s only alive in this moment, hope with it in our head.
I will not gaze behind me to find it true: all what I’ve said.
Daylight dies alone and I, now can finally see,
That I am not the one that light calls company.

Ode to Time

Hours and hours, a timeless flow.
Where does all our spent time go?
Is it not a currency that we spend?
What location do our transactions send
These dollars and coins, these units of time,
Intoxicate us just like wine.
Everything in moderation; we must not waste.
Everything has a time, every thing has a place.
And as for the question: “Where does time go?”
It goes nowhere, for there is nowhere to go.