Tag Archives: morning

Shadows in Colds Absence Make


A morning sun swallows whole cold abyss.
Out of sunrise crawls forth another day.
Shadows in colds absence make way for this,
This place in time where playful daylight stays.
An eater of days gives birth to new dawn.
Its digestion is the passing of time,
And where once was silence there now is song.
Each days end, and I’ve heard too many, chimes.
Days pass, and I do not grow so tired,
That I may not rise and hold close each piece
Of my heart, and do so ’till expired.
Distant conclusion with so long a lease.
Devoured time and light and day now brings,
Value and reasons for my heart to sing.

Observing Tide

An angel looked dismayed as they were walking by,
In the morning light reflected off of pools of blood collecting flys,
Buzzards, vultures, coyotes, and the occasional hyena.
No longer to delay,
Awake another blood-filled day,
Out of the sea; the five heads of the beast were screaming.
No one asked for the heroes,
And thought of them as zeros
While they were fighting the beast that didn’t need exterminating.
Morning came again with the red tide.
So many fallen that should not have died,
From ignorance alone,
The beast called the sea his home.
And so will many more after this reading.
Cheers to the callous fools who have no feeling.
I do not often see red tide retreating.

On Being Apart

Good morning my love today
When I awoke and saw not your face
There was emptiness. The morning light did say
“You shall not be here, long, without, in this place.”
But I could hardly believe the light that spoke
For every moment away from you deprives
My soul.
Though my time away, my soul bespoke,
It was not prepared, yet shall survive.
How many dawns apart are we?
How many?
Not soon enough, we’ll see.

Another Day

Woke up to the sun,

Like any other morning.

At the same time, not.