Tag Archives: teeth

The Teeth of Those Who Hunger

The teeth of those who hunger grow,
Mouths outnumber the substance so,
Some of them turn to eating stones.
Some bite others in their death throes.
There is a light in the distance they choose not to see.
Then they contemplate the darkness saying: “How can this be?”.
Dead or living it matters not,
From the tomb, for both, pours rot. A raven points to the gateway,
Leading further down or away?
The light is hazy. Clouded by smoke?
A voice breaks the tortured din. Who spoke?
He says: “I cannot hold this candle for long.
Follow me to the path where you truly belong.”

Note on artwork: I found this one while browsing Tumblr. There were no links to the artist responsible. If anyone knows the artist name please let me know so that I may contact and formerly request permission to use their art. Thank you 🙂